Sydney Catholic Schools recognise that being literate and numerate are at the core of quality education.
Sydney Catholic Schools has implemented a strategy for both literacy and English, as well as numeracy and mathematics, that ensures each and every child has the opportunity to thrive – not only during their time at one of our schools, but throughout their lifetime – due to a sound educational foundation.
Sydney Catholic Schools understands that, to become literate, both English and literacy are vital. Being literate simultaneously relies on having a strong foundation in the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes of the English language, and having the capacity to adapt this language to meet the demands of a variety of purposes and audiences in a range of different contexts.
Being literate enables students to understand, analyse and evaluate information, express thoughts and emotions, present ideas and opinions, interact with others, and participate as active, confident and empowered learners at school and in society.
Defining Literacy and English
Literacy and English provide distinct, yet interrelated, essential learning for lifelong wellbeing and success. At Sydney Catholic Schools, all our teachers are teachers of literacy and students are given opportunities to apply and improve their knowledge and skills of the English language in a range of contexts.
Sydney Catholic Schools’ students become increasingly numerate through excellence in mathematics teaching, learning and assessment and opportunities to select, apply, and evaluate mathematics as numeracy when solving problems beyond the mathematics classroom.
To become numerate, both mathematics and numeracy are vital. At Sydney Cahtolic Schools, our approach is to focus on both.
Defining Numeracy and Mathematics
Numeracy and mathematics are different, yet interconnected.
Excellence in both numeracy and mathematics is characterised by high expectations for the learning, growth and achievement of every student through high levels of challenge and support provided by expert teachers who know the mathematics in the subjects they teach and who possess the positivity, passion and commitment to develop numerate students.